So Your Home Alone Again And Still Bored Relax Switch Of The Lights & Watch Part 2 Of More Scare Tactic Videos To Raise Your Hearbeat And Pump Up Your Adrenaline Level, Are You Ready...
Can You Spot The Difference.
Ghost Caught On Camera.
E.V.P - Do Not Watch If Easily Scared!
Ghost Caught On Tape HD Real Footage.
Remember To Lock All Your Doors And Close All Windows.
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Are You Fascinated With The Unexplained? Do You Seek The Truth? Do You Believe We Are Not Alone? We Will Cover Topics Of Ufo Sightings And Paranormal Activity - Alien Encounters - Strange Phenomena, Ghosts And Demons - Weird And Supernatural - Conspiracy Theory`s - ( New World Order ) The Illuminati.
Unexplained News - Searching For Evidence
The Shocking Truth - Caught On Video & Photograph
Friday, November 05, 2010
Monday, November 01, 2010
Home Alone & Bored? - Dare You To Watch
So Your Home Alone And Bored Why Not Sit Back And Relax Switch Of The Lights & Watch These Scare Tactic Videos To Raise Your Hearbeat And Pump Up Your Adrenaline Level.
Is This A Real Ghost?
Scary Ghost Car.
Alien Prank Goes Bad.
Creepy Grudge Ghost Girl in the Mirror!
Bloody Mary.
Remember To Lock All Your Doors And Close All Windows.
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Is This A Real Ghost?
Scary Ghost Car.
Alien Prank Goes Bad.
Creepy Grudge Ghost Girl in the Mirror!
Bloody Mary.
Remember To Lock All Your Doors And Close All Windows.
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Ghost Video Collection - Do Not Watch Alone
Ghosts Caught On Camera.
This Is Weird.
Elavotor Ghost.
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This Is Weird.
Elavotor Ghost.
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Friday, October 29, 2010
The Ultimate Conspiracy - Goal Of The Illuminati
They Believe In World Order And To Control All.!!
Just Open Your Eyes Its All Around Us Every Day..
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Just Open Your Eyes Its All Around Us Every Day..
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Thursday, October 28, 2010
Unexplained Scare Tactic - Watch Now ( 1 )
Unexplained Shock Feature.
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Share This Video With Friends.
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Strange Phenomen Lights In The Sky
Amazing Film Footage Prt 1.
Real UFO Sighting In Cabo San Lucas Mexico September 26th 2009.
Sign Of The crucified Christ Above Russia.
An UFO scared Xiaoshan Airport in Hangzhou, China to stop operations July 7, 2010!
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Real UFO Sighting In Cabo San Lucas Mexico September 26th 2009.
Sign Of The crucified Christ Above Russia.
An UFO scared Xiaoshan Airport in Hangzhou, China to stop operations July 7, 2010!
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Urban Legends - Tales Of Terror ( 2 )
"Urban Legends" are tales that have been passed from person to person, town to town, over the years and told as true stories. They usually have happened to ones brother, sister, best friend, friend of a friend, relative, etc., to anyone but the person telling the story and they always insist that the story is true although no verification can be made. Here are a few of the best known tales of urban terror!
Find a dark lake and you'll find a story of a lake monster.
Champie is the name of the lake monster that inhabits Lake Champlain on the Vermont/Quebec/New York boarder. Champie is usually described as having a long neck and a flat head. Some descriptions have Champie with a thin body, others say it is more rounded. It is described as being anywhere from 10 to 30 feet long. It has been sighted since the 1600s. Photographs of Champie do exist, which may or may not be hoaxes. Some feel that Champie is a surviving prehistoric plesiosaur.
The Loch Ness Monster.
The Loch Ness Monster or "Nessie" is the name of the lake monster that inhabits Loch Ness in Scotland. Loch Ness is about 24 miles long, fairly narrow, and about 800 feet deep. Loch Ness connects to the North Sea by the Caledonian Canal. The water is very murky because of a high concentration of peat.
Nessie is usually described as having a long neck, with a wide body. It is about 40 feet in length. This description seems to suggest a prehistoric plesiosaur reptile type creature. Sonar used in 1972 and 1975 by Dr. Robert H. Rines of the Academy of applied science in Boston came up with what looked like the fin of a plesiosaur.
Nessie sightings have been reported as early as the 6th century with more recent sightings beginning in the 1930's. In 1933 Mr. and Mrs. John MacKay saw "an enormous animal rolling and plunging in the waters". Also in 1933 Mr. and Mrs. George Spicer reported seeing a creature out of the water which resembled a "prehistoric animal".
Many of the sightings have been recorded in the deep waters of Urquart Bay. The most famous picture of Nessie is the 13th century Urquart Castle in the foreground. Well over 3,000 people have reported seeing the monster since 1933, including police officers, scientists, local residents and tourists.
Despite all the sightings and the few photos, no hard evidence to totally prove Nessie's existence have been found.
Ogopogo is the name of the lake monster that inhabits Lake Okanagan in British Columbia, Canada. The monster is somewhat eel-like in appearance with a flatter head. It is from 15 to 20 feet in length. It has been reported since at least the early 1900s. It may have been sighted by pre-colonial Indians who described "the N'haaitk" in the lake. There are inconclusive photos of the creature. The creature has been reported by a great many people. Some hypothesize the Ogopogo may be a surviving prehistoric plesiosaur.
Slimy Slim.
The Slimy Slim is the name of the lake monster that inhabited Payette Lake in Idaho. The monster is usually described as having a long neck with a flatter head. Slimy Slim was sighted mostly in the 1930s, and has not been reported in the past 50 years. A very large crocodile was also reported in Payette Lake in the 1930s, which may have been the real Slimy Slim.
There are many legends of strange and unusual creatures from all over the globe.
Chupacabra, El Chupacabras, the Goatsucker.
A two legged upright "creature" that preys on goats and other farm animals. The Chupacabra is noted for draining an animal's blood from two small circular or triangular shaped holes near the base of the neck. It is often described as having glowing red eyes and being about four feet tall. El Chupacabra was first sighted in early 1995 in Puerto Rico. There have now been sightings reported in Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, South America, Florida, California, and Texas. Instances of chupacabra have been associated with UFO sightings.
The Mothman story began with a strange being sighted in the area of Point Pleasant, West Virginia from November 15th 1966 to December 15th 1967. The Mothman was described as being about 7 feet tall with large wings with which he could fly. The creature had and enormous glowing red eyes. The only sound the mothman made was a piercing shrill cry. No one was ever harmed by the mothman, but the creature may have eaten a pet dog. The mothman generally made contact with people while they were in their cars or by looking into the windows of their homes.
Ozark Howler.
The Ozark Howler is a large "cat-like" creature sighted in the general area of the Ozark Mountains. The Ozark Howler is also known as the Black Howler or Howler. The animal is said to be an extremely large, heavy set black cat. The howler produces an eerie "howl", hence the name. Occasionally the animal is reported to have horns or glowing eyes.
Sasquatch, Bigfoot, Yeti.
Sasquatch, Bigfoot and Yeti are manlike or apelike creatures reported to inhabit the Northwestern United States, Western Canada and Himalayan Mountains. They are usually said to be six feet tall or taller. They have large feet, about 20 inches long, hence the name "Bigfoot". Sasquatch are covered with dark brown or reddish brown fur while Yeti are known to be covered in white or light tan fur. They are generally said to have an extremely musty or pungent aroma. Sasquatch are commonly said to travel in pairs.
Sasquatch activity is concentrated in North America. Sasquatch have been reported in all fifty of the United States and all Canadian Provinces. Sightings are mostly concentrated in British Columbia (Canada), Washington State, Oregon, and California. Florida and Pennsylvania are also Sasquatch hotspots. In Florida the Sasquatch are commonly referred to as the "Skunk Ape" - referring to the creature's aroma.
Film footage, photographs, and casts of footprints do exist. Skeptics insist these are hoaxes. In 1967 Roger Patterson took film footage of a large hairy creature reported to be a Sasquatch. If legitimate this is clearly the most extraordinary crypto zoological evidence yet. However, it may only be Roger's tall associate Jerry Romney in a fur suit.
Cast Deaths From The Poltergeist Films.
Urban Legend: The Spielberg film "Poltergeist" was cursed with the deaths of cast members. This isn't really an Urban Legend but it is interesting since it's true. The film "The Exorcist" was also plagued with problems but that's another story.
The Story: An unusual amount of deaths have occurred around the three "Poltergeist" films, including three of the stars. These incidence have given way to rumors that the films were cursed because of their content. This seems a little silly, there are always explanations to "curses" like this. Or are there??
Two of the stars from the first film have died at young ages, two from the second film at not so young ages.
22-year old Dominique Dunne, who played older daughter Dana Freeling, died on November 4th,1982, at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California. She had been choked into a coma by her boyfriend.
12-year-old Heather O'Rourke died of septic shock on February 1st., 1988, at the Children's Hospital in San Diego, California. What was thought to be the flu turned out to be a bowel obstruction which caused toxins to enter her system. She died at Children's Hospital while undergoing surgery to remove the obstruction.
60-year-old Julian Beck, who played the evil preacher Kane in the second film, died of stomach cancer on September 14th,1985, at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, NY. Like Heather O'Rourke, he died during the period between filming and release, but in his case the film in question was Poltergeist II, which was released in May 1986. O'Rourke died before the release of Poltergeist III.
53-year-old Will Sampson, who played Taylor in the second film, died on June 3rd., 1987, in a Houston, Texas hospital after receiving a heart-lung transplant 6 weeks earlier. The cause of his death was attributed to severe pre-operative malnutrition and post-operative kidney failure along with a fungal infection.
The "hanging man" in a funhouse turns out to be the corpse of an outlaw.
The Story: In December of 1976, a Universal Studios camera crew arrived at the Nu-Pike Amusement Park in Long Beach, California, to film an episode of the television action show, the Six Million Dollar Man. In preparing the set in a corner of the funhouse, a worker moved the "hanging man," causing one of this prop's arms to come off. Inside it was human bone. This was no mere prop; this was a dead guy!
The body was that of Elmer McCurdy, a young man who in 1911 had robbed a train of $46 and two jugs of whiskey in Oklahoma. He announced to the posse in pursuit of him that he would not be taken alive and the posse obliged by killing him in a shoot-out.
McCurdy's body became a sideshow attraction right after his embalming. It is claimed that the local undertaker though he had done such a wonderful job at restoring McCurdy that he let the towns folk see him for a nickel a piece. The nickels were dropped into the corpse's open mouth , later collected by the undertaker.
No one ever showed up to claim McCurdy's body, so, legend has it that undertaker kept him around to collect nickels for a few years after the embalming. Carnival promoters wanted to buy the stiff, but the undertaker turned them down. He didn't want to lose his most steady form of income.
In 1915 two men showed up, claiming that McCurdy was their long lost brother. They took McCurdy away, supposedly to give him a decent burial in the family plot. In actuality, the long lost McCurdy "brothers" were carnival promoters. It was a scam to get the body that they had wanted for years. They exhibited McCurdy throughout Texas under the same title that the undertaker had given him -- "The Bandit Who Wouldn't Give Up."
It seems that McCurdy's body popped up everywhere after that, in places such as an amusement park near Mount Rushmore, lying in an open casket in a Los Angeles wax museum, and in a few low-budget films. Before the Six Million Dollar Man crew discovered this prop to be a corpse, McCurdy had been hanging in a Long Beach funhouse for four years.
In April 1977, the much-traveled Elmer McCurdy was laid to final rest in Summit View Cemetery in Guthrie, Oklahoma. To make sure the corpse would not make its way back to the entertainment world, the state medical examiner ordered two cubic yards of cement poured over the coffin before the grave was closed. McCurdy hasn't been seen hanging around amusement parks since.
Whether all this is true or not, we don't know. Was there ever an amusement park in Long Beach, California called the Nu-Pike Amusement Park? This tale is just one of those that we'll never know the truth of or will we?.
Strange Smells From The Hotel Bed.
Urban Legend: A couple check into a remote hotel and smell a strange, rotting smell coming from the bed. After complaining to the desk clerk, they discover that a dead body has been stashed in the box springs. Unfortunately, this tale has true roots.
The Story:
Most of these stories take place at a Las Vegas, Nevada hotel either in the city or in the desert in a remote location. They have been around since the early 1990s. There have been cases like this actually happen around the country. Under the bed or in the pedestal for a matters makes a great quick hiding place for a dead body that needs to be stashed out of the way. In each case, it wasn't until the smell brought attention to the body, that it was discovered.
Some Examples:
On June10th, 1999, the rapidly decomposing body of a 64-year-old man was discovered inside the bed in Room 112 at the Burgundy Motor Inn in Atlantic City, New Jersey. A German couple on vacation had spent the night sleeping over the man's remains and had put up with a rank smell all night. It was their complaint to the manager about the smell which led to the discovery of the corpse.
In July of 1996, a woman's body was found under a mattress in the Colorado Boulevard Travelodge in Pasadena, CA. The motel's staff discovered her ten days after her death after a guest had complained for several days of a foul odor coming from that room.
In Virginia in 1989, a man, disposed of the remains of his two murder victims this way: the first was a 27-year-old woman, who was discovered in May under the floor of a motel room on Route 1, the second was a 29-year-old woman, who turned up in June under a bed in the Alexandria Econo Lodge. In the first case, the killer first kept her body partially hidden under his bed for two days, then subsequently placed it in the crawl space under the carpeted floor. Her presence seemingly didn't bother him, because he didn't move out of that room until three or four weeks later. Both girls' bodies were eventually found after other guests complained about the stink.
In Mineola, New York, motel in 1988, a body turned up in a box spring. The remains of a 29-year-old woman were found at the Oceanside Motel. Again, the body was discovered days later and only after other patrons complained about the smell. At least two other guests unknowingly cohabited with the body before it was found, and at least one guest refused to stay in that room because of the smell.
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Find a dark lake and you'll find a story of a lake monster.
Champie is the name of the lake monster that inhabits Lake Champlain on the Vermont/Quebec/New York boarder. Champie is usually described as having a long neck and a flat head. Some descriptions have Champie with a thin body, others say it is more rounded. It is described as being anywhere from 10 to 30 feet long. It has been sighted since the 1600s. Photographs of Champie do exist, which may or may not be hoaxes. Some feel that Champie is a surviving prehistoric plesiosaur.
The Loch Ness Monster.
The Loch Ness Monster or "Nessie" is the name of the lake monster that inhabits Loch Ness in Scotland. Loch Ness is about 24 miles long, fairly narrow, and about 800 feet deep. Loch Ness connects to the North Sea by the Caledonian Canal. The water is very murky because of a high concentration of peat.
Nessie is usually described as having a long neck, with a wide body. It is about 40 feet in length. This description seems to suggest a prehistoric plesiosaur reptile type creature. Sonar used in 1972 and 1975 by Dr. Robert H. Rines of the Academy of applied science in Boston came up with what looked like the fin of a plesiosaur.
Nessie sightings have been reported as early as the 6th century with more recent sightings beginning in the 1930's. In 1933 Mr. and Mrs. John MacKay saw "an enormous animal rolling and plunging in the waters". Also in 1933 Mr. and Mrs. George Spicer reported seeing a creature out of the water which resembled a "prehistoric animal".
Many of the sightings have been recorded in the deep waters of Urquart Bay. The most famous picture of Nessie is the 13th century Urquart Castle in the foreground. Well over 3,000 people have reported seeing the monster since 1933, including police officers, scientists, local residents and tourists.
Despite all the sightings and the few photos, no hard evidence to totally prove Nessie's existence have been found.
Ogopogo is the name of the lake monster that inhabits Lake Okanagan in British Columbia, Canada. The monster is somewhat eel-like in appearance with a flatter head. It is from 15 to 20 feet in length. It has been reported since at least the early 1900s. It may have been sighted by pre-colonial Indians who described "the N'haaitk" in the lake. There are inconclusive photos of the creature. The creature has been reported by a great many people. Some hypothesize the Ogopogo may be a surviving prehistoric plesiosaur.
Slimy Slim.
The Slimy Slim is the name of the lake monster that inhabited Payette Lake in Idaho. The monster is usually described as having a long neck with a flatter head. Slimy Slim was sighted mostly in the 1930s, and has not been reported in the past 50 years. A very large crocodile was also reported in Payette Lake in the 1930s, which may have been the real Slimy Slim.
There are many legends of strange and unusual creatures from all over the globe.
Chupacabra, El Chupacabras, the Goatsucker.
A two legged upright "creature" that preys on goats and other farm animals. The Chupacabra is noted for draining an animal's blood from two small circular or triangular shaped holes near the base of the neck. It is often described as having glowing red eyes and being about four feet tall. El Chupacabra was first sighted in early 1995 in Puerto Rico. There have now been sightings reported in Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, South America, Florida, California, and Texas. Instances of chupacabra have been associated with UFO sightings.
The Mothman story began with a strange being sighted in the area of Point Pleasant, West Virginia from November 15th 1966 to December 15th 1967. The Mothman was described as being about 7 feet tall with large wings with which he could fly. The creature had and enormous glowing red eyes. The only sound the mothman made was a piercing shrill cry. No one was ever harmed by the mothman, but the creature may have eaten a pet dog. The mothman generally made contact with people while they were in their cars or by looking into the windows of their homes.
Ozark Howler.
The Ozark Howler is a large "cat-like" creature sighted in the general area of the Ozark Mountains. The Ozark Howler is also known as the Black Howler or Howler. The animal is said to be an extremely large, heavy set black cat. The howler produces an eerie "howl", hence the name. Occasionally the animal is reported to have horns or glowing eyes.
Sasquatch, Bigfoot, Yeti.
Sasquatch, Bigfoot and Yeti are manlike or apelike creatures reported to inhabit the Northwestern United States, Western Canada and Himalayan Mountains. They are usually said to be six feet tall or taller. They have large feet, about 20 inches long, hence the name "Bigfoot". Sasquatch are covered with dark brown or reddish brown fur while Yeti are known to be covered in white or light tan fur. They are generally said to have an extremely musty or pungent aroma. Sasquatch are commonly said to travel in pairs.
Sasquatch activity is concentrated in North America. Sasquatch have been reported in all fifty of the United States and all Canadian Provinces. Sightings are mostly concentrated in British Columbia (Canada), Washington State, Oregon, and California. Florida and Pennsylvania are also Sasquatch hotspots. In Florida the Sasquatch are commonly referred to as the "Skunk Ape" - referring to the creature's aroma.
Film footage, photographs, and casts of footprints do exist. Skeptics insist these are hoaxes. In 1967 Roger Patterson took film footage of a large hairy creature reported to be a Sasquatch. If legitimate this is clearly the most extraordinary crypto zoological evidence yet. However, it may only be Roger's tall associate Jerry Romney in a fur suit.
Cast Deaths From The Poltergeist Films.
Urban Legend: The Spielberg film "Poltergeist" was cursed with the deaths of cast members. This isn't really an Urban Legend but it is interesting since it's true. The film "The Exorcist" was also plagued with problems but that's another story.
The Story: An unusual amount of deaths have occurred around the three "Poltergeist" films, including three of the stars. These incidence have given way to rumors that the films were cursed because of their content. This seems a little silly, there are always explanations to "curses" like this. Or are there??
Two of the stars from the first film have died at young ages, two from the second film at not so young ages.
22-year old Dominique Dunne, who played older daughter Dana Freeling, died on November 4th,1982, at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California. She had been choked into a coma by her boyfriend.
12-year-old Heather O'Rourke died of septic shock on February 1st., 1988, at the Children's Hospital in San Diego, California. What was thought to be the flu turned out to be a bowel obstruction which caused toxins to enter her system. She died at Children's Hospital while undergoing surgery to remove the obstruction.
60-year-old Julian Beck, who played the evil preacher Kane in the second film, died of stomach cancer on September 14th,1985, at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, NY. Like Heather O'Rourke, he died during the period between filming and release, but in his case the film in question was Poltergeist II, which was released in May 1986. O'Rourke died before the release of Poltergeist III.
53-year-old Will Sampson, who played Taylor in the second film, died on June 3rd., 1987, in a Houston, Texas hospital after receiving a heart-lung transplant 6 weeks earlier. The cause of his death was attributed to severe pre-operative malnutrition and post-operative kidney failure along with a fungal infection.
The "hanging man" in a funhouse turns out to be the corpse of an outlaw.
The Story: In December of 1976, a Universal Studios camera crew arrived at the Nu-Pike Amusement Park in Long Beach, California, to film an episode of the television action show, the Six Million Dollar Man. In preparing the set in a corner of the funhouse, a worker moved the "hanging man," causing one of this prop's arms to come off. Inside it was human bone. This was no mere prop; this was a dead guy!
The body was that of Elmer McCurdy, a young man who in 1911 had robbed a train of $46 and two jugs of whiskey in Oklahoma. He announced to the posse in pursuit of him that he would not be taken alive and the posse obliged by killing him in a shoot-out.
McCurdy's body became a sideshow attraction right after his embalming. It is claimed that the local undertaker though he had done such a wonderful job at restoring McCurdy that he let the towns folk see him for a nickel a piece. The nickels were dropped into the corpse's open mouth , later collected by the undertaker.
No one ever showed up to claim McCurdy's body, so, legend has it that undertaker kept him around to collect nickels for a few years after the embalming. Carnival promoters wanted to buy the stiff, but the undertaker turned them down. He didn't want to lose his most steady form of income.
In 1915 two men showed up, claiming that McCurdy was their long lost brother. They took McCurdy away, supposedly to give him a decent burial in the family plot. In actuality, the long lost McCurdy "brothers" were carnival promoters. It was a scam to get the body that they had wanted for years. They exhibited McCurdy throughout Texas under the same title that the undertaker had given him -- "The Bandit Who Wouldn't Give Up."
It seems that McCurdy's body popped up everywhere after that, in places such as an amusement park near Mount Rushmore, lying in an open casket in a Los Angeles wax museum, and in a few low-budget films. Before the Six Million Dollar Man crew discovered this prop to be a corpse, McCurdy had been hanging in a Long Beach funhouse for four years.
In April 1977, the much-traveled Elmer McCurdy was laid to final rest in Summit View Cemetery in Guthrie, Oklahoma. To make sure the corpse would not make its way back to the entertainment world, the state medical examiner ordered two cubic yards of cement poured over the coffin before the grave was closed. McCurdy hasn't been seen hanging around amusement parks since.
Whether all this is true or not, we don't know. Was there ever an amusement park in Long Beach, California called the Nu-Pike Amusement Park? This tale is just one of those that we'll never know the truth of or will we?.
Strange Smells From The Hotel Bed.
Urban Legend: A couple check into a remote hotel and smell a strange, rotting smell coming from the bed. After complaining to the desk clerk, they discover that a dead body has been stashed in the box springs. Unfortunately, this tale has true roots.
The Story:
Most of these stories take place at a Las Vegas, Nevada hotel either in the city or in the desert in a remote location. They have been around since the early 1990s. There have been cases like this actually happen around the country. Under the bed or in the pedestal for a matters makes a great quick hiding place for a dead body that needs to be stashed out of the way. In each case, it wasn't until the smell brought attention to the body, that it was discovered.
Some Examples:
On June10th, 1999, the rapidly decomposing body of a 64-year-old man was discovered inside the bed in Room 112 at the Burgundy Motor Inn in Atlantic City, New Jersey. A German couple on vacation had spent the night sleeping over the man's remains and had put up with a rank smell all night. It was their complaint to the manager about the smell which led to the discovery of the corpse.
In July of 1996, a woman's body was found under a mattress in the Colorado Boulevard Travelodge in Pasadena, CA. The motel's staff discovered her ten days after her death after a guest had complained for several days of a foul odor coming from that room.
In Virginia in 1989, a man, disposed of the remains of his two murder victims this way: the first was a 27-year-old woman, who was discovered in May under the floor of a motel room on Route 1, the second was a 29-year-old woman, who turned up in June under a bed in the Alexandria Econo Lodge. In the first case, the killer first kept her body partially hidden under his bed for two days, then subsequently placed it in the crawl space under the carpeted floor. Her presence seemingly didn't bother him, because he didn't move out of that room until three or four weeks later. Both girls' bodies were eventually found after other guests complained about the stink.
In Mineola, New York, motel in 1988, a body turned up in a box spring. The remains of a 29-year-old woman were found at the Oceanside Motel. Again, the body was discovered days later and only after other patrons complained about the smell. At least two other guests unknowingly cohabited with the body before it was found, and at least one guest refused to stay in that room because of the smell.
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Urban Legends - Tales Of Terror ( 1 )
"Urban Legends" are tales that have been passed from person to person, town to town, over the years and told as true stories. They usually have happened to ones brother, sister, best friend, friend of a friend, relative, etc., to anyone but the person telling the story and they always insist that the story is true although no verification can be made. Here are a few of the best known tales of urban terror!
Person Trapped In Cemetery Overnight Dies.
Urban Legend: A person makes a bet with their friends that they can spend the night in a cemetery and are is found dead in the morning in the arms of a graveyard statue.
What It's About:
A person makes a bet with a group of friends that he or she (more often it's a she) can spend the night in the cemetery. The person is found dead in the morning, laying across the arms of a large statue, usually of an angel with it's arms out-stretched. This legend also included a statue of an old woman seated with her arms out stretched, a woman standing with her arms out-stretched. Variations on this are: as an initiation into a gang, a fraternity or sorority or into a high school clique. The dead person is found dead with no sign of injury or has also been found to be sitting on the lap of the seated statue with crushed ribs, presumably by the arms of the statue. But the end result is always the same, the person is dead in the arms of the statue.
Person Trapped In Crypt Turns White Haired Overnight.
Urban Legend: A person makes a bet with their friends that they can spend the night in a cemetery crypt and is found in the morning insane with snow white hair.
The Story:
A person is dared to spend the night in a crypt in a local cemetery and is found in the morning totally insane and their hair has turned snow white. This one can vary from biker club initiation, fraternity or sorority initiation or a dare between a group of kids. It takes place usually in an gated above ground crypt. The person is locked in with the dead and left over night. No one knows what actually happens to said person because they never speak again, their hair turns snow white and they go insane.
Urban Legend: Chanting "Bloody Mary!" thirteen times in front of a candlelit mirror in an otherwise dark room will summon her vengeful spirit.
The Story: Go into a room with a mirror and turn all the lights off. Bathrooms seem to be perfect for this since they almost always have a mirror and are usually dark at night with the lights off and the door closed. Light a candle, look into the mirror, start chanting "Bloody Mary" . You have to do this 13 times, of course. You should see Bloody Mary behind your left shoulder after the thirteenth time.
Beware, she has been reported to 1.) Kill the person calling her, 2.) Scratch their eyes out, 3.) Drive the person mad or 4.) pull the person into the mirror with her. This is an old legend, it has been around for ages. A folklorist, Janet Langlois, published an essay on the legend back in 1978. At that time, the legend was wide spread across the USA and a popular slumber party ritual done by girls as well as boys. No one knows the true origins of the Bloody Mary tale, she's been known to be anything from a witch that was killed for practicing witchcraft to a modern day woman killed in a car crash, depending on what part of the country you live in. It was made popular again in the film Urban Legends in 1999.
The Long Distance Phone Call.
Urban Legend: An elderly woman, bed-ridden after her husbands death, receives strange phone calls that turn out to be from the dead husband.
The Story:
An elderly woman receives a phone call on a dark, stormy night. She hears a moaning on the other end and a voice that sounds like her recently diseased husband. The calls torment her all night. The next day, she asks her driver to take her past the cemetery where her husband was laid to rest. They discover that during the storm, a phone line had fallen down ...........and was laying on her dead husbands grave! Were the phone calls she had received the night before made from beyond the grave by her dead husband? Another variation of this has the woman dying from shock in her bed after answering the phone call. Then, when she is being taken to the cemetery it is discovered that the phone line is laying on her husbands grave.
Ghostly Kids Push You Off Train Tracks.
Urban Legend: The protective ghosts of little children killed at a railway crossing push stalled cars off the tracks.
The Story:
This one is actually true. It's been talked about on many TV stations including an Los Angeles, California station by "The Earth Man" Garcia. It has to do with a school bus full of children that had stalled on some train tracks in San Antonio, Texas. A train was coming and was going too fast to stop in time to get the bus off the tracks. The bus was hit and all of the children died. It was a great tragedy. The tracks are located on a curve in the road but the tracks are on a small up-hill grade to both sides.
If you stop your car just on the tracks and put it in neutral, it will slowly start to roll over the little hill and down the other side.
A local Los Angeles, California station sent a crew there to check it out and it was done on tape, with a San Antonio sheriff present. The cars back end was cleaned off of any finger prints before the test was done and after it was done it was dusted for prints. Several small hand prints and finger prints showed up on the bumper, showing that the small hands of the ghost children were pushing the car to get it off the tracks.
There are also claims that this is nothing more than a gravity anomaly allowing a non-moving vehicle to move over a small up-grade. But no one can explain away the hand and finger prints.
Urban Legend: Old Al and the Pick Fort Shelby Hotel
The Story: The old boarded up Pick Fort Shelby Hotel has stood abandon for over twenty years on Lafayette Street near the outskirts of Detroit's business district. For years it was shelter for homeless men who would find there way inside the building to find refuge from the brutal Michigan winters. For years the only paying tenant in the old hotel was the notorious Anchor Bar a favorite
watering hole for reporters from Detroit’s two newspapers The News and Free Press, it occupied a partitioned off section on the street level at the front of the hotel. For years the Anchor had been known as a place where police, politicians, priests and pressmen could go for a cold beer, a greasy hamburger and place a bet on their favorite horse race or football game.
A local street person who was known only as Al found part time work doing odd jobs at the bar. After leaving the bar late at night Al would make his way to the rear of the hotel and re-enter the building through some boards that he had loosened. Al was a one eyed black man whose face showed the results of years of drinking and living on the street. He was quiet and polite but he was often seen driving away other street people who might try to take up residence in the ruins of the old hotel.
They think it was sometime during the late 80's some rotted plumbing gave out in one of the hotels basement levels and unbeknownst to the bar caused all of their sewage to flow out into the hotel basement near the rear of the building. For several years people that worked in an adjacent building
noticed and complained about the smell in the alley to city officials but it was blamed on sluggish sewers in the area. The bar itself was spared the odor because it was totally sealed off from the hotel proper and its entrance was at the front of the building.
During an unusually rare building inspection the startling discovery of years of accumulated human waste was uncovered. They say that it was well over four feet deep. To the inspector’s horror, inside one of the rooms they found the skeletal remains of Old Al. He did not drown in the sewage but it is suspected he became mired in the sludge as he came down a stairway and could not free himself while in the dark and most probably drunk. He must have died a terrible death of starvation or dehydration while held fast in this sucking mire of putrid foul mud-like material. One of the medical examiners told us that his bones had been stripped clean as if they had been boiled. What the rats did not consume the cockroaches and insects finished.
As strange as his cause of death may seem the strange part of the story is that people like myself that work in the area still see old Al walking through the alleys near the old hotel. I personally believe I have seen Al on several occasions late at night sitting in the alley behind the old Fort
Shelby Hotel and that was well after they claim he had died. Once after his body was found I swear I saw him sitting at the rear of the building. I called out his name he looked up, stood and turned toward me. I was somewhat frightened and I glanced over my shoulder make sure I had a clear escape route but as I turned back it was if he had dematerialized into the steam that pores from the old manhole covers in the alley. Some people that I know claim to have seen lights moving through some of the lower floors of the building, and a coworker has sworn that he has heard voices coming from inside the building.
The bar moved out long ago and the building is now well boarded and secure. The street people give the old Shelby wide birth these days You wont even see them going through the dumpsters during the day like they had done for years. Some claim it is the city steam that pores from the manholes and pavement that people mistake for someone moving through the alleys at night but I know it’s old Al still standing guard defending his turf at the old Fort Shelby Hotel.
Credited To Mr. Thompson
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Person Trapped In Cemetery Overnight Dies.
Urban Legend: A person makes a bet with their friends that they can spend the night in a cemetery and are is found dead in the morning in the arms of a graveyard statue.
What It's About:
A person makes a bet with a group of friends that he or she (more often it's a she) can spend the night in the cemetery. The person is found dead in the morning, laying across the arms of a large statue, usually of an angel with it's arms out-stretched. This legend also included a statue of an old woman seated with her arms out stretched, a woman standing with her arms out-stretched. Variations on this are: as an initiation into a gang, a fraternity or sorority or into a high school clique. The dead person is found dead with no sign of injury or has also been found to be sitting on the lap of the seated statue with crushed ribs, presumably by the arms of the statue. But the end result is always the same, the person is dead in the arms of the statue.
Person Trapped In Crypt Turns White Haired Overnight.
Urban Legend: A person makes a bet with their friends that they can spend the night in a cemetery crypt and is found in the morning insane with snow white hair.
The Story:
A person is dared to spend the night in a crypt in a local cemetery and is found in the morning totally insane and their hair has turned snow white. This one can vary from biker club initiation, fraternity or sorority initiation or a dare between a group of kids. It takes place usually in an gated above ground crypt. The person is locked in with the dead and left over night. No one knows what actually happens to said person because they never speak again, their hair turns snow white and they go insane.
Urban Legend: Chanting "Bloody Mary!" thirteen times in front of a candlelit mirror in an otherwise dark room will summon her vengeful spirit.
The Story: Go into a room with a mirror and turn all the lights off. Bathrooms seem to be perfect for this since they almost always have a mirror and are usually dark at night with the lights off and the door closed. Light a candle, look into the mirror, start chanting "Bloody Mary" . You have to do this 13 times, of course. You should see Bloody Mary behind your left shoulder after the thirteenth time.
Beware, she has been reported to 1.) Kill the person calling her, 2.) Scratch their eyes out, 3.) Drive the person mad or 4.) pull the person into the mirror with her. This is an old legend, it has been around for ages. A folklorist, Janet Langlois, published an essay on the legend back in 1978. At that time, the legend was wide spread across the USA and a popular slumber party ritual done by girls as well as boys. No one knows the true origins of the Bloody Mary tale, she's been known to be anything from a witch that was killed for practicing witchcraft to a modern day woman killed in a car crash, depending on what part of the country you live in. It was made popular again in the film Urban Legends in 1999.
The Long Distance Phone Call.
Urban Legend: An elderly woman, bed-ridden after her husbands death, receives strange phone calls that turn out to be from the dead husband.
The Story:
An elderly woman receives a phone call on a dark, stormy night. She hears a moaning on the other end and a voice that sounds like her recently diseased husband. The calls torment her all night. The next day, she asks her driver to take her past the cemetery where her husband was laid to rest. They discover that during the storm, a phone line had fallen down ...........and was laying on her dead husbands grave! Were the phone calls she had received the night before made from beyond the grave by her dead husband? Another variation of this has the woman dying from shock in her bed after answering the phone call. Then, when she is being taken to the cemetery it is discovered that the phone line is laying on her husbands grave.
Ghostly Kids Push You Off Train Tracks.
Urban Legend: The protective ghosts of little children killed at a railway crossing push stalled cars off the tracks.
The Story:
This one is actually true. It's been talked about on many TV stations including an Los Angeles, California station by "The Earth Man" Garcia. It has to do with a school bus full of children that had stalled on some train tracks in San Antonio, Texas. A train was coming and was going too fast to stop in time to get the bus off the tracks. The bus was hit and all of the children died. It was a great tragedy. The tracks are located on a curve in the road but the tracks are on a small up-hill grade to both sides.
If you stop your car just on the tracks and put it in neutral, it will slowly start to roll over the little hill and down the other side.
A local Los Angeles, California station sent a crew there to check it out and it was done on tape, with a San Antonio sheriff present. The cars back end was cleaned off of any finger prints before the test was done and after it was done it was dusted for prints. Several small hand prints and finger prints showed up on the bumper, showing that the small hands of the ghost children were pushing the car to get it off the tracks.
There are also claims that this is nothing more than a gravity anomaly allowing a non-moving vehicle to move over a small up-grade. But no one can explain away the hand and finger prints.
Urban Legend: Old Al and the Pick Fort Shelby Hotel
The Story: The old boarded up Pick Fort Shelby Hotel has stood abandon for over twenty years on Lafayette Street near the outskirts of Detroit's business district. For years it was shelter for homeless men who would find there way inside the building to find refuge from the brutal Michigan winters. For years the only paying tenant in the old hotel was the notorious Anchor Bar a favorite
watering hole for reporters from Detroit’s two newspapers The News and Free Press, it occupied a partitioned off section on the street level at the front of the hotel. For years the Anchor had been known as a place where police, politicians, priests and pressmen could go for a cold beer, a greasy hamburger and place a bet on their favorite horse race or football game.
A local street person who was known only as Al found part time work doing odd jobs at the bar. After leaving the bar late at night Al would make his way to the rear of the hotel and re-enter the building through some boards that he had loosened. Al was a one eyed black man whose face showed the results of years of drinking and living on the street. He was quiet and polite but he was often seen driving away other street people who might try to take up residence in the ruins of the old hotel.
They think it was sometime during the late 80's some rotted plumbing gave out in one of the hotels basement levels and unbeknownst to the bar caused all of their sewage to flow out into the hotel basement near the rear of the building. For several years people that worked in an adjacent building
noticed and complained about the smell in the alley to city officials but it was blamed on sluggish sewers in the area. The bar itself was spared the odor because it was totally sealed off from the hotel proper and its entrance was at the front of the building.
During an unusually rare building inspection the startling discovery of years of accumulated human waste was uncovered. They say that it was well over four feet deep. To the inspector’s horror, inside one of the rooms they found the skeletal remains of Old Al. He did not drown in the sewage but it is suspected he became mired in the sludge as he came down a stairway and could not free himself while in the dark and most probably drunk. He must have died a terrible death of starvation or dehydration while held fast in this sucking mire of putrid foul mud-like material. One of the medical examiners told us that his bones had been stripped clean as if they had been boiled. What the rats did not consume the cockroaches and insects finished.
As strange as his cause of death may seem the strange part of the story is that people like myself that work in the area still see old Al walking through the alleys near the old hotel. I personally believe I have seen Al on several occasions late at night sitting in the alley behind the old Fort
Shelby Hotel and that was well after they claim he had died. Once after his body was found I swear I saw him sitting at the rear of the building. I called out his name he looked up, stood and turned toward me. I was somewhat frightened and I glanced over my shoulder make sure I had a clear escape route but as I turned back it was if he had dematerialized into the steam that pores from the old manhole covers in the alley. Some people that I know claim to have seen lights moving through some of the lower floors of the building, and a coworker has sworn that he has heard voices coming from inside the building.
The bar moved out long ago and the building is now well boarded and secure. The street people give the old Shelby wide birth these days You wont even see them going through the dumpsters during the day like they had done for years. Some claim it is the city steam that pores from the manholes and pavement that people mistake for someone moving through the alleys at night but I know it’s old Al still standing guard defending his turf at the old Fort Shelby Hotel.
Credited To Mr. Thompson
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Ghost Photos Of The Dead Set 1
From all continents and from people of all walks of life throughout the centuries have been claiming they have witnessed seeing ghosts in one shape or another they cannot all have vivid imaginations or can they, is it possible the dead comeback to haunt us?

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Unexplained News - Updates
We have upated the new design of Unexplained News Blog, and removed all non working material most of the videos have survived deletion from sites such as Youtube, Google and Metacafe to name but a few. The reason for removal of certain video content is still unknown maybe goverment intervention?
Food For Thought...
Signs and Predictions Throughout Hollywood Productions.
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Food For Thought...
Signs and Predictions Throughout Hollywood Productions.
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